Thursday, October 10, 2013

African Americans and Black Belt Culture by Prof. Marcus Bernard

Yesterday, Prof. Marcus Bernard shared with us his research about African Americans in the Black Belt region of the United States.  He discussed the  "Black flight" from the American South. He also talked about how this flight resulted in a transfer of wealth in the African American community.  The discussion was enhanced by video clips from Dr. Martin Luther King and others. 

What are some of your initial thoughts about his presentation/discussion? How does it affirm, complicate or change what you previously understood about:

  • African American history? and/or 
  • Reconstruction, post Civil War societies? and/or 
  • American Capitalism and African American notions of wealth? and/or
  • Farm and agricultural development in the South and Midwest? and/or
  • the USD and government aid in the establishment of wealth in rural communities?

If you have done some additional research please include it. Links and videos would be helpful and may further stimulate the discussion.  

We will be discussing post Civil War African American communities in a week. If you are eager to continue to research "Black flight" you may find this reading helpful   Black Flight: Lethal Violence and the Great Migration, 1900-1930 -

Dr. Hill