Tuesday, November 12, 2013

12 Years a Slave - African American Studies Classes

Greetings, Class.

The class attended a showing of 12 Years a Slave at the Kentucky Theater.

What are your initial thoughts about the film?  Ultimately, we will make connections between the historical text book, A Mercy, and our previous knowledge about African Americans.   

We are going to consider how 12 Years a Slave  confirms, complicates or changes what we understand about African American Studies.   We will have a brief discussion in class. 

Dr. Hill


Connections questions:

1.  How does 12 Years a Slave connect with your readings about chattel slavery in the early 19th century?

2. What connections can you make between the film and the slave codes and other laws pertaining to African Americans and enslaved people?

3. What connections can you make about plantation society?  How did the characters playing the roles of slave master, slave master's wife, slave master's love interests, slave and  paid servant confirm, complicate, or change what you understood about life on a plantation?

4.  Were there any connections between technology, invention and slave life that were highlighted in the movie?  If so, what were they?

5.  How did the film demonstrate that chattel slavery was toxic to all parties, even if profitable to some?

Please feel free to share any connections that are not expressed here.