Sunday, November 10, 2013

University of Kentucky's College of Arts and Sciences-Year of Mexico. How do Africana Studies and studies of Mexico intersect?

Greetings, Class Community. 

It is important to remember that this is the University of Kentucky's College of Arts and Sciences - Year of Mexico.  How do Africana Studies and studies of Mexico intersect?  

In this article, the author states, "Passion is what resonates when Xánath Caraza reads her work. ¡Cuando Xánath Caraza lea su escritura es apasionada!  This past Friday (November 8th), Caraza gave a reading at Indigo Bridge Bookstore in Lincoln, Nebraska and it was indeed riveting. Among the many important aspects to Caraza’s work is the spotlight she places on African influences in Mexico. “ - Xánath Caraza Reads Her Poetry in Lincoln, Nebraska and Why Ethnic Studies is so Important! 

Read the article and tell me what you think about the importance of ethnic studies and the African influences in Mexico on La Bloga.